Baker Tilly has the required experience to develop approaches and procedures to support the challenges faced by new or developing companies. This knowledge and expertise is used in the tools developed by bakertilly to support companies in their efforts to implement Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Act and establish a strong foundation for internal control programs.
Our approach is flexible enough to meet the individual’s needs within the organization but at the same time meet the organization’s urgent needs during its efforts to implement the requirements of the act.
The department headed by Eyal Horowitz (CPA) LLB provides SOX consulting and support services, including:
- Assistance to companies that are in process of mapping weak points in their organization
- Screening control processes conducted within the company
- Inspection of work processes
- Providing solutions for management deficiencies and supervising their implementation
- Testing the effectiveness of key controls
- Consultation with management during the remediation of deficiencies and control gaps in their organization
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