Baker Tilly has the required experience to develop approaches and procedures to support the challenges faced by new or developing companies. This knowledge and expertise is used in the tools developed by bakertilly to support companies in their efforts to implement Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Act and establish a strong foundation for internal control programs. Our approach is flexible enough to meet the individual’s needs within the organization but at the same time meet the organization’s urgent needs during its efforts to implement the requirements of the act. The department headed by Eyal Horowitz (CPA) LLB provides SOX consulting and support services, including:
  • Assistance to companies that are in process of mapping weak points in their organization
  • Screening control processes conducted within the company
  • Inspection of work processes
  • Providing solutions for management deficiencies and supervising their implementation
  • Testing the effectiveness of key controls
  • Consultation with management during the remediation of deficiencies and control gaps in their organization
The department’s skilled staff can resolve any technical issue regarding implementation and is capable of providing practical and creative solutions.

Your partner is

Dr. Eyal Horowitz


Dr. Eyal Horowitz

With a vision to solve the most pressing problems and seize new opportunities for innovation and growth, Eyal, and his firm, work with leaders, companies and controlling shareholders in Israel and worldwide, in the areas of finance, business & strategy and professional entrepreneurship in order to make a difference for future generations.

As a CEO & Chairman of Baker Tilly, with extensive experience in auditing, taxation, internal audit, SOX regulations, strategic consulting, and a PhD. in Business Administration & in Public Accounting, Eyal influences leaders and companies to achieve outstanding business outcomes within a short time.

His accomplishments reflect, examples such as: tripling a manufacturing company value within three years and changing a real estate company’s direction in order to enable it to become an industry leader worldwide.

Eyal is best known as a past Chairman of the Regional Advisory Council of EMEA, a member of the Board of Directors of Baker Tilly International – the 10th largest network of independent accounting firms in the world – and a member of the Auditing Standards and Procedures Committee of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel, since 1999.

30 years ago, Eyal became the youngest senior lecturer in Israel, lecturing as an academic in the accounting department of the College of the Management. He became an inspiration for so many of us -right up until today.

Phone 03-5665006

News and Updates

All the articles, tips and updates in this field SOX

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